Cintya Cania


This research aims to explain the meaning of poetry through intertextual relationships in the poems "Jean Anggun Nan Tongga" by Esha Tegar Putra and "Kaba Anggun Nan Tongga" by Ambas Mahkota. This research uses intertextual theory to examine the relationship between poetry and kaba. The method used in this research is the descriptive analysis method, namely the problem is explained by describing the main problem in order to obtain proper understanding and understanding. As a result of the research carried out, the author can conclude that the poem Regarding Anggun Nan Tongga is related to the Kaba Anggun Nan Tongga by Ambas Mahkota. These relationships are in the form of similarities and contradictions. Similarities in the form of naming characters and themes in poetry and kaba. Conflicting ideas about Anggun Nan Tongga's love struggle with Puti Gondan Gondoriah, conflicting ideas about leadership character and the conflict that lies behind the dispute between Anggun Nan Tongga and Nangkodo Baha. From these connections, it can be concluded that Kaba Anggun Nan Tongga by Ambas Mahkota is a hypogram of the poem About Anggun Nan Tongga by Esha Tegar Putra.


Kaba; Minangkabau; Hipogram; Anggun Nan Tongga

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.25077/ms.1.1.1-15.2024


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